Ben Hur script, 201 pages bound with two brass brads, dated "11-13-57," signed by Charlton Heston, accompanied by a signed letter on Heston's stationary. The consignor of this item found the script in a second-hand store as a child. As an adult he sent the script to Heston and asked him to sign it. The script was returned signed along with the accompanying letter, which reads in part: "I was touched by your account of the film's influence in motivating you as a writer. As a professional, you'll recognize this is a genuine copy of an early draft of the screenplay...This is the version arrived at by Karl Turnberg and Maxwell Anderson, working on the script a year before either William Wyler or I were involved...I've marked one of his re-writes on page eleven, for your edification." Categories: Charlton Heston

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