James Stewart and Grace Kelly publicity shot Black and white photograph with James Stewart and Grace Kelly, 1954. 9¼ by 7 1/8 inches Grace Kelly photographing James Stewart on Rear Window set Black and white photograph with Grace Kelly photographing James Stewart on the back lot of Paramount, 1954. Crease on top left corner. Yellow paper glued on back has been torn off leaving a bit of yellow paper. 7 1/8 by 9 3/8 inches Rear Window set Black and white photograph of the set of Greenwich Village for Rear Window with information sheet on yellow paper glued on reverse from Paramount Studio’s promotional department, 1954. Numbered 10331-2/20 in white ink on right bottom corner. 7 ¼ by 9 3/16 inches Alfred Hitchcock and James Stewart going over script on the set of Rear Window Black and white photo of director Alfred Hitchcock and James Stewart discussing the script on the set of Rear Window 1954. Numbered 10331-2/39 in white ink on lower left of photograph. 7 ½ by 9 ¼ inches James Stewart Still From REAR WINDOW Black and white publicity still of James Stewart seated in his wheelchair with his camera, 1954. Numbered 10331-13 in white ink on lower left hand corner of photograph. 7 ¼ by 9 ¼ inches Alfred Hitchcock Sprinkling Water on Unknown Man’s Head on set of Rear Window Black and white photograph of director Alfred Hitchcock standing on a ladder sprinkling water onto unidentified man’s head, 1954. Numbered 10331-2/37 in white ink on lower left corner of photograph. 7 ½ by 9 ¼ in

Juliens Auctions