2000, hand painting on celluloid applied to a printed background, created for use in the production of a sericel edition of 2500, depicting Tigger dancing with a bird's nest above his head, with an additional cel below of a close up of Tigger's face and the birds in the nest, a holographic Disney seal lower right, annotated, framed. With a certificate of authenticity from Animated Animations. Together with a 1995 limited edition sericel from "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day", screen printing on celluloid applied to a printed background, depicting Winnie the Pooh walking in a springtime landscape, signed by Frank Thomas and Oliver Johnson, edition of 5500, framed. With a certificate of authenticity from The Walt Disney Company. Not examined out of the frame.Largest 11 1/2 by 15 1/2 inches (sight) Categories:

Juliens Auctions