A group of 31 vintage black and white photographs signed or inscribed by Sal Mineo, accompanied by signed letter from Mineo; Gilbert Roland; Fred Astaire; George Burns; Jimmy Durante; Burt Lancaster; Yves Montand; Paul Henreid; Don Ameche; Bill Robinson; Edward G. Robinson; three postcards signed by Louis Armstrong, one with original transmittal envelope; Gary Cooper (2); Eddie Cantor; Douglas Fairbanks Jr.; Peter Lawford; Charlton Heston; Vincent Price; Jerry Lewis (2); Liberace; twice-signed photograph from Joe E. Brown; Bill Hopper; Red Skelton; Danny Thomas; Robert Taylor; Jose Ferrer; Buddy Rogers; Brook Benton; Karl Malden; and a postcard signed by Yul Brynner. Also present are handwritten notes from Ray Bolger and John Forsythe. Sizes vary Categories:

Juliens Auctions