A group of 27 vintage black and white photographs signed or inscribed by: Lana Turner, accompanied by a typed signed letter on Lana Turner stationery; Barbara Stanwyck signed double-weight print blind stamped John Englund; Grace Kelly; Betty Grable (2); Deborah Kerr; Anne Bancroft; Claudette Colbert; Marlene Dietrich; Greer Garson; Vivien Leigh (2); Olivia de Havilland (2); Linda Darnell, accompanied by typed signed letter; Ida Lupino; Tamara Toumanova; Jayne Mansfield (2), accompanied by an additional unsigned photograph; Lauren Bacall; Pearl Bailey; Zsa Zsa Gabor; Angela Lansbury; Debbie Reynolds; Dina Merrill; Jayne Wyman; and Kim Novak. Also present are a typed signed letter from Clara Bow with a candid photograph of her with her sons; a postcard signed by Dolores del Rio; and a handwritten letter from Joan Plowright. Sizes vary Categories:

Juliens Auctions