Color photograph, dated 1969, shows Paul, Ringo, George, John and Yoko leaning out the window of the McCartney 7 Cavendish Avenue brownstone home, St. John's Wood, North London. This photograph may have been taken on the same day as that of the photo session for the cover sleeve of the American 45 RPM Beatles record "The Ballad of John and Yoko." This photo session took place in the McCartney backyard and was the last 45 record to be released before the bands break up. 1969 was the year that both Lennon and McCartney married. While Ringo smokes and George gives the camera the thumbs up, John and Yoko hold hands and Paul may be looking at the camera or smiling at his wife. 7 1/2 by 5 3/8 inches Categories: The Beatles

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