Brass bowl with inscription readIing "Whoop-de-do, red, white and blue - Sacramento Medical Auxiliary and Cerebral Palsy Guild Salute Bob Hope - Symbol of the American Spirit May 8, 1979 - Sacramento Community Center - 1776 Bicentennial Celebration 1976"; plate numbered "248/720" designed by Raphael Abecassis on wooden base with plate reading, "Bob Hope Peace - Envision its possibility - Exercise its Reality" given in appreciation for Hope's help on the Telethon Chabad September 18,1988; smoky glass plate with the seal of "City of Youngstown, Ohio Inc. 1867," with mayor's facsimile signature and brass plate reading, "Bob Hope Canfield Fair 9-1-1979" largest 13 inches Categories: Bob Hope

Juliens Auctions