Letter and momento from the PGA that reads, "We are pleased to present you with this French enameled momento that we designed to commemorate the 1972 Professional Golfers' Association Championship Leonard P. Delmas President."; Silver money clip with blue and white medallion that reads, "Dean Martin Tucson Open" with profile of Dean Martin, records date this piece to January 15, 1975. The winner of that year's event was Johnny Miller. 2 1/2 inch diameter; Brass golf tee attached to brass charm by chain; Oval pin from the 1953 Cherry Hills Country Club Hillsdilly golf tournament, typed tag reads "Bob Hope A-1"; Crest from Cohasset Golf Club showing lighthouse on red background, 3 inch diameter; Golf tool and putt marker that read, "USO 1986 Los Angeles Area Desert Invitational."; White and red button that read, "Tournament of Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn Official Champions 22 ." Added to Trophy Case April 30, 1954. 1 3/4 inch diameter; and Divot Doctor golf tool that reads, "World Entertainment Golf Tournament 1962 - Sponsored by Golf Life. Added to the Moorpark office trophy case July 27, 1962. Categories: Bob Hope

Juliens Auctions