Walther PPK semi-auto pistol, . 380 caliber, fully and finely factory oakleaf scroll engraved, gold plated, simulated ivory grips, #148989S, in fine to excellent original condition, with one original clip showing simulated ivory extension. This pistol was presented to actor Jack Lord, who starred in the epic television series “Hawaii Five-0”. This Walther was a gift from Elvis Presley in January of 1973. Jack Lord and Elvis Presley were both professionally and personally acquainted and both shared a love of the Hawaiian Islands. Much has been written about this unique gift, the following is an account by Jack Lord as told to Marcia Borie: "...according to Marie: "I was in the kitchen fixing us an early dinner. The phone rang. Jack answered and then came in and told me it had been Elvis. It was his last night in Hawaii, and he’d said that most of his group had already gone back to the States but he asked if he could come over and say good-bye to us. They had arranged it for eight o’clock." Promptly at eight o’clock, the doorbell rang. Marie called out over the intercom and asked who it was, and a voice answered, "Elvis." Marie opened the door and he was standing there – "a slim Adonis, looking gorgeous in a white suit with a white silk shirt that had a ruffled collar and cuffs." After about 15 minutes, he said to Jack, with a kid-type smile on his face: "I brought you a present, Jack. I tried to think of something to bring you that you don’t have. The only thing I could

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