Paint medium on a SG standard Gibson Electric Guitar. Mahogany neck and body, rosewood fingerboard, humbucking neck and bridge pick ups. 39 by 13 inches Though music is at the core of Seth Walker’s creative soul, the visual arts are a close second. Growing in rural North Carolina, AAA Basketball country, Seth became interested in art by drawing and painting sketches of his favorite players. His continual love of the arts led him to East Carolina University where he majored in art and figuratively minored in “playing blues guitar”. Years later, after the music became his dominate creative outlet, Seth moved to Austin to pursue a professional music career. He still draws and paints, selling original pieces and prints of his artwork at his shows. They are a big hit at the merchandise table along with his latest CD. “Painting is an alternative, creative portal for me…a good yin and yang to the sweet, maddening world of the music biz. I get lost in it.” “Gibson handed me this SG guitar and said ‘go to town!’ This was a first indeed, and I loved the idea. After some initial sketching, I came up with this motif of bright colors juxtaposed to a night sky. The character on the bottom of the guitar just seemed to fit and bend with the curves of the instrument, giving it some movement. I would love to see that guitar on a stage someday!” Categories:

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