Acrylic and varnish on fiberglass, signed by Kasabian 3100 mm by 1070 mm Lucy Taylor has a degree in jewellery design from Central St Martins, but has a background in fine art (she is actually much better at drawing than making jewellery! ) Since then she has done many things including working with youth groups to make costumes for the Thames festival, and Notting Hill carnival, working for jewelry designers, and painting murals in restaurants and bars. Lucy specializes in designing and painting murals in public spaces but is also happy to do private spaces, canvases, and illustrations. She is best at monkeys but is open to suggestions! The inspiration for Monkeyfire: "I wanted it to be rock and roll but not taking itself too seriously. I have created funny characters, a rock band of monkeys with an Orang-utan lead singer and hope people will see the fun in it and enjoy it." lucythefraggle@hotmail.com The artist says of this project: "due to delays my guitar arrived while i was on holiday in Borneo. I was determined to get it done by the deadline (i had two weeks!) so when i got back from holiday i had a sleep to get rid of the jet lag and then literally spent two weeks coming home from my full time job and then painting through the night. The guitar was in my landlords garden next door as it wouldn’t fit in my flat! so there was also a small problem of small creatures landing in the paint and dying, and rain of course. Despite all the odds I got it done and am really proud

Juliens Auctions