Black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe on the set of Something’s Got To Give by Lawrence Schiller and William Read Woodfield, 1962. Numbered 147 on top right corner in felt tip pen. Something’s Got To Give was directed by George Cukor and produced by Henry Weinstein. It would have been Marilyn’s 30th film. She was fired from this film on her birthday, June 1, 1962, due to not showing up on time and traveling to New York without studio permission to sing “Happy Birthday” to President Kennedy at Lincoln Center. She was rehired to resume production on the film before the end of the year. Marilyn died in August 1962, so the film was not completed. Verso stamped International Copyright, 1962, Lawrence Schiller, Wm. Read Woodfield, and © 1976 The New Ingot Co. 9 ½ by 13 ½ inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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