An X-ray taken at New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, of John F. Kennedy's left anterior Oblique - Barium-filled stomach, marked "Kennedy, Lt John/ 10031/ 6-21-44." This X-ray was taken after Kennedy suffered severe trauma aboard the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 in the Pacific after it was struck by the Japanese destroyer "Amagiri." The event, which sent Kennedy and his crew swimming to safety while towing wounded commrades to safety, injured Kennedy's spine. The accident increased problems with Kennedy's already painful back and left him suffering from malaria. This is one of few, if any, X-rays taken prior to Kennedy's political career that still exists. It was purchased in the 1970s from the New England Baptist Hospital, which was selling the X-rays for scrap. 12 by 10 inches Categories: John F. Kennedy

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