A signed photograph documenting the first meeting between Muhammad Ali, undefeated but coming out of the forced three-year retirement that resulted from his refusal to be inducted into the U. S. Army, and undefeated reigning champ Joe Frazier. The fight, billed as the “Fight of the Century,” took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City in March 8, 1971. Each fighter was guaranteed to receive the then unheard of sum of $2.5 million. Life magazine assigned young photographer John Shearer to chronicle the run-up to the fight as well as the fight itself (where Shearer was accompanied by amateur Life photographer Frank Sinatra). Ali famously used the media to taunt Frazier and even showed up unannounced at Frazier’s training headquarters in Pennsylvania, where Shearer captured this symbolic image of the brash Ali and the determined Frazier. The photograph is signed boldly by both fighters: Ali in blue marker, Frazier in silver marker. Accompanied by certificate of authenticity. 14 by 11 inches Categories: Muhammad Ali

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