Walther PPK-S, serial #051358, . 380 caliber semi-auto pistol, blued finish, black plastic grips, used by Sean Connery in his character as James Bond for the film Never Say Never Again (Warner Bros., 1983). Ian Fleming immortalized both the Bond character and Walther Pocket Auto Series in his books. The gun is accompanied by a letter from Barbara Carrera, who co-starred in the film. This firearm must be registered in accordance with state and federal laws through Little John’s Auction Service, 1740 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868. Registration forms must be completed at this location and the firearms picked up from this location. Buyer must provide a Handgun Safety Certificate or obtain one through Little John’s. Also, pick-up must be made at Little John’s Auction Service after the 10-day waiting period and within thirty (30) days after registration. Categories:

Juliens Auctions