A set of taser weapons used by The Company to help capture the Evolved Humans. The taser dart is seen in multiple episodes including “Orientation” when Claire, played by Hayden Panettiere, has a nightmare in class that the Company is hunting her. The dart is constructed of a clear plastic tube filled with electronics, including a battery-operated flashing LED. The unit has orange plastic caps on both ends. The tail has three stabilizer fins attached, and the head has a powerful magnet mounted in the tip. Also included is a piece of metal that was double-stick taped under the actor’s clothes. The magnetic dart sticks to the plate and gives the illusion that it has penetrated the skin. Also included is a handheld taser that Bennet, played by Jack Coleman, uses against Peter, played by Milo Ventimiglia, and Mohinder, played by Sendhil Ramamurthy, in the episode “A Clear and Present Danger.” This unit is constructed of a clear plastic cylinder filled with electronics, a black rubber handle and a rubber tip. Dart, 2 1/4 inches; Taser 6 1/4 inches Categories: Heroes

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