A vintage 60-page typed script for “California, Here We Come,” episode 110 of the historic I Love Lucy show. First broadcast on January 10, 1955, this installment finds Lucy’s mother, Mrs. McGillicuddy, arriving unexpectedly the day before the Ricardos and Mertzes set off for Hollywood. This rare, unbound script gives insight to the development of the episode as several lines of dialogue featured in the script were altered and in some cases cut entirely before the show was filmed. For example, the opening scene finds Lucy mapping their route to Hollywood. The script has Lucy telling Ethel, “I always thought Missouri was on the other side of Kansas,” to which Ethel replies, “Maybe Truman had it dragged east so it would be closer to Washington.” The script also documents that Mrs. McGillicuddy’s first name is Grace and the book she’s written is called The Great McGillicuddys—two pieces of trivia that are not included when the episode was filmed. In this script, Mrs. McGillicuddy also insists on packing her typewriter. “I may write a new book on Hollywood while I’m out there,” she tells Lucy. Also of special interest are three scenes that were not included in the final, filmed version. Accompanied by a sepia-toned original studio photograph from this episode. The photo pictures Lucy, Ethel, and Mrs. McGillicuddy on the front stoop of the apartment building surrounded by suitcases as Ricky and Fred attempt to pack the Pontiac. Photograph is marked “110-20” which indicates that th

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