Acrylic on fiberglass. Jodi Bonassi’s work has been reviewed in the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Flavorpill, The Chronicle Review, and other papers. Other publications include Art and Living, Harper’s Magazine, Studio Visit (2008, Ocean Press), and Los Angeles Art Association Volume 1 Catalogue for 2009, which was juried by Samuel Hoi, president of Otis College of Art and Design. Louise Lewis, professor emeritus, art history, gave Bonassi a solo show at the CSUN art galleries in 2002. This exhibit led to her publication in Harper’s, a review in the Boston Globe, and to exhibitions locally and nationally. In 2008 and 2009, she received the University Scholars Award for her “CREATE” program, which stands for Challenging and Reaching Every Artist To Evolve. The program was identity based. Each high school student is given a used soccer ball as their canvas. Using art references of friends and family, they draw onto the balls and then paint them. She exhibited in “Exalted One,” curated by Sam Lee, at Gallery 825 on La Cienega Blvd. in Los Angeles. Three of her works were exhibited in the 2010 Los Angeles Juried Exhibition at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. Jurors Franklin Sirmans, department head-curator of contemporary art (LACMA), and Ali Subotnick, curator with the Hammer Museum, juried the works. Of 1,183 entries, 83 were chosen. Bonassi is a dedicated artist whose recent work has merited inclusion in the Alchemy of Art Exhibition juried by esteemed Los Angeles art

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