A personalized wooden hinged cigar box engraved on the lid "President Kennedy," containing 26 unopened Alhambra cigars from the Philippines, each with the words "Specially Made For President Kennedy" printed in gold on the wrapper. The box and cigars were given to President Kennedy in 1961 by President Carlos P. Garcia of the Philippines. This handsome box is accompanied by copies of the original letters, now housed in the Kennedy Library, regarding the gift of this box. A letter to Kennedy from Carlos Romulo, Ambassador of the Philippines, dated Apr. 16, 1961, reads in part "My dear Mr. President: When the Manila papers recently published a picture of yours holding a cigar, a Philippine newspaper suggested that it may be a good idea to let you sample what we believe are the best cigars in the world. President Garcia has asked me to extend to you his personal greetings and to present you with these boxes of Philippine cigars...I sent them to Secretary Salinger with the request that they be handed to you...". Along with a thank-you note from Kennedy to Garcia, dated May 1, 1961, reading in part "...Through the courtesy of Ambassador Carlos Romulo I have received the fine cigars that you so kindly wanted me to have. I am most appreciative of your thoughtfulness and extend to you my warm thanks." Also accompanied by a Dealey Plaza Special Edition newspaper headed "J.F.K. Assassination Historical Journal." 7 1/4 by 10 1/4 inches Categories: John F. Kennedy

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