A collection of over 400 vintage and modern movie heralds including Dracula (Universal, 1931); As You Desire Me (MGM, 1932); Anna Karenina (MGM, 1940); Ben - Hur (MGM, 1925); Beau Bandit (RKO, 1930); The Bohemian Girl (MGM, 1936); Blue Angel (Universum Film, 1930); Charlie Chan Carries On (Fox, 1931), Charlie Chan In London (Fox, 1932), and other Charlie Chan films; Alice In Wonderland (Paramount, 1933); Beau Geste (Paramount, 1939); Chandu The Magician (Fox, 1932); Comrade X (MGM, 1940); Around the World (UA, 1931); After The Thin Man (MGM, 1936); Barbarella (Paramount, 1968); and many others. The films in this lot begin with the letter A-E and are organized in three-ring binders. The majority of the films are from the 1930s-40s, with a few modern films. Sizes vary Categories:

Juliens Auctions