A suit of armor gifted by Michael Jackson to friend TJ Martell. Jackson is believed to have had six of these suits, gifted five, and kept one for himself. It is accompanied by a letter from Martell to the person he gave the item to. The letter explains that Jackson had given Martell the item, but Martell didn't think it looked right in his office. After his death, Michael Jackson was honored as the largest single donor to the TJ Martell Foundation, an organization that raises funds for medical research. The suit is fashioned of light gauge metal, featuring fleur-de-lis, axe, and Maltese cross decorated breastplate, a helmet with visor and metal feather plume, and full greaves and gauntlets. One hand holds a shield, and the other wields a mace. Height, 87 inches; weight, 34 pounds Categories: Michael Jackson

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