Acrylic paints and medium and a wood burner on Epiphone Les Paul. John Howitt is a painter first, then a musician. He has always have had a deep interest in music and its history; he has found a direct parallel between visual art and music. From color placement to design and composition, what we see, and what we hear, displays direct correlations. The condition of Synaestheisa and its mystery is the vehicle to his new paintings. He has studied the works of musical composers such as Alexander Scriabin and Oliver Messian. Both were born with the condition, and both have very similar visions of color that relates to the circle of fifths and the twelve notes of the chromatic scale. As such; they both will “see” the note F sharp as violet, or A minor as a yellow green. The condition has also been reported in cases of temporal lobe epilepsy, taking psychedelic drugs and deep meditation. History goes back to “color organs” of the 17th century.John finds his painting compositions very similar to his music compositions. With paint, he can make something on key or off key. He looks for harmony in his paintings through improvisation. He looks for chaos as well. John’s new work strives to balance the two. He wants his paintings to sing like Joni Mitchell, have the compositions of Charles Mingus and the interest of John Cage. Yes, he wishes himself luck as well. His new works are the first in which he has placed semiotic images such as a frog or cricket to better communicate the union of

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