Two Louella Parsons signed letters, the first to Mia Farrow dated "October 14, 1963. " The letter reads, "Dear Mia: I hope you were mis-quoted in this article which appeared in the Rome Daily American. Monsignor English and I were very upset over some of the quotes. After all, I am your godmother, and I'm sure you have some explanation for all this." Louella Parsons was not only a famous columnist, she was also Mia's godmother. This letter expresses concern over something Parsons had read in an interview where Farrow had said she didn't feel like a Catholic lately. The second is written to Farrow's mother and father, Maureen O'Sullivan and John Farrow. Dated "January 16" (no year given) and signed "Louella." Largest, 11 by 8 1/2 inches PROVENANCE From the collection of Mia Farrow. Categories: MIA FARROW

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