Aluminim Cans, Mussel Shells, Corks, Beer Caps, Paint on Epiphone Les Paul guitar. PLEASE NOTE: THIS GUITAR HAS ADDITIONAL EMBELLISHMENT AND DOES NOT FIT IN A STANDARD GUITAR CASE. All of Debbie’s life she has been creating art from things found in nature or materials found around the house. One of her first creations was a cowgirl skirt, white fabric with black ball trim made from the kitchen curtains that her Mom was throwing out. She was six years old. As she grew older she made her own clothes from tablecloths she hand dyed and embroidered. She felt that she was quite the fashion plate. In college Debbie piqued peoples curiosity with her 4' tea bag mobile that was made of sticks and hundreds of used tea bags that she collected from friends and restaurants. It hangs in her home today and is still an attention getter. While raising her children Debbie created the business, Wear It Out. She made one of a kind coats for men, women and children made from bed spreads, curtains, vintage cloth, trims and buttons. Today her art is sculptural and made predominately from recycled materials such as aluminum cans, shells, tomato cages, paper and bottle caps. Her intent is to take ordinary objects and turn them into something that is aesthetically pleasing. Her work incorporates the use of natural or unnatural light and shadow. As the light source, sun or bulb changes, so does the color and surface of the sculpture. When people look at her work closely they smile when they see recyc

Juliens Auctions