A Starfleet duty tunic from the original Star Trek series (Desilu Productions, 1966-1969). This shirt is consistent with the style of tunic worn by Science division personnel (exploratory, medical, and mental health) such as Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (DeForest Kelley). Made from blue velour fabric with a black collar, an original Sciences division Starfleet insignia patch (a circle crossed by an oval, like a ringed planet) is sewn on the left chest area. One interesting aspect specific to this example is that the braids go both directions (in season one, they went one direction and the opposite in season two). The Starfleet uniforms worn in the mid- to late 1960s original series were designed by William Ware Theiss. In the first two seasons of the series, the costumes were made of velour, but production found that it shrank and tore easily following dry cleaning, so in the third and final season, costumes were instead made of nylon fabric. Because of the type of fabric used, this tunic was made for the first or second season. These costume pieces are among the most rare in the marketplace – even Christie’s had none available to auction in the historic “40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection” event, which liquidated material from all of the franchise television series and movies. Images of the costume have been reviewed by collectors with confirmed authentic examples, and everything matches, from the fabric to the zipper style and manufacturer to

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