A Beretta Model 92FS DA semi-auto pistol, 9mm caliber, 5-inch barrel, serial number BER 123819, brushed nickel finish, checkered black hard rubber grips, no magazine, with factory hard carry case and instructions. This pistol is in like new condition, showing little if any use. This firearm must be registered in accordance with state and federal laws through Little John’s Auction Service, 1740 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868. Registration forms must be completed at this location or at your local FFL/gun shop, and the firearms must be picked up from this location or transferred to your local FFL/gun shop. Buyer must provide a Handgun Safety Certificate or obtain one through Little John’s or in conjunction with your local FFL/gun shop if you do not already possess one. Also, pickup must be made at Little John’s Auction Service after the 10-day waiting period and within thirty (30) days after registration, or the lot must be transferred to your local FFL/gun shop as per your state and/or federal requirements. Categories: Sid Caesar

Juliens Auctions