A Walther PPK pistol used by Michael Imperioli as Christopher Moltisanti in the award-winning series The Sopranos (HBO, 1999-2007). Moltisanti can be seen firing the weapon in “Full Leather Jacket” (Season 2, Episode 8) when Matt Bevilaqua and Sean Gismonte ambush Christopher in the parking lot and attempt to kill him in an effort to rise through the ranks of the organization more quickly. Christopher, gravely wounded, manages to return fire with his Walther and kills Sean, sending Matt running down the alley to face later retaliation at the hands of Tony Soprano and “Big Pussy” Bonpensiero. Christopher later recovers, but the retaliatory killing of Matt by Tony and “Big Pussy” nearly leads to a murder charge for Tony when a witness sees him leaving the scene of the murder and nearly agrees to testify before learning of Tony’s position of power in the New Jersey mafia. The gun has been modified to fire blank rounds only. Weapons Specialists Ltd. leased the firearm directly to the production company for use in the series. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, production rental paperwork, and a copy of the episode. This firearm must be registered in accordance with state and federal laws through Little John’s Auction Service, 1740 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868. Registration forms must be completed at this location or at your local FFL/gun shop, and the firearms must be picked up from this location or transferred to your local FFL/gun shop. Buyer must provide a Handgun S

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