A Walther PPK pistol used by the character Silvio Dante, portrayed by Steven Van Zandt, in the award-winning series The Sopranos (1999-2007). Van Zandt used the weapon in “The Blue Comet” (Season 6, Episode 20) during the climactic battle in the parking lot of the Bada Bing when Silvio and Patsy Parisi are ambushed by two of Phil Leotardo’s hit men as they attempt to drive away. Silvio pulls the Walther from his briefcase to return fire and is struck several times by the hit men’s bullets and loses consciousness as Patsy flees into the woods behind the Bada Bing amidst a hail of gunfire. The gun battle at the Bada Bing was a pivotal event in the war between the Soprano and Leotardo families, which was the climactic conflict of the show’s final season. The gun has been modified to fire blank rounds only. Weapons Specialists Ltd. leased the firearm directly to the production company for use in the series. Accompanied by a a certificate of authenticity, production rental paperwork, and a copy of the episode. This firearm must be registered in accordance with state and federal laws through Little John’s Auction Service, 1740 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868. Registration forms must be completed at this location or at your local FFL/gun shop, and the firearms must be picked up from this location or transferred to your local FFL/gun shop. Buyer must provide a Handgun Safety Certificate or obtain one through Little John’s or in conjunction with your local FFL/gun shop if you do not alre

Juliens Auctions