A German military officer's hat worn by Bob Crane as Col. Robert E. Hogan in the classic television series Hogan’s Heroes (Bing Crosby Productions, 1965-1971). The World War II style blue and silver German military officer's cap is decorated with Nazi Eagle pin, Luftwaffe wreath device, and double silver braid and has the actor's last name "Crane" inscribed in black ink in the interior. Crane can be seen wearing the hat in "Hogan's Double Life" (Season 6, Episode 22), when Hogan is identified by a Gestapo officer while taking part in a sabotage operation outside of the POW camp. In an elaborate plan to discredit the officer and throw him off his trail, Hogan decides to impersonate a Nazi officer and infiltrate a birthday party for a German field marshal. After cozying up to the elderly field marshal and convincing the man that they are old friends, Hogan denies his true identity when confronted by the officer later at the party, effectively establishing the alibi that he has a Nazi "doppelganger" in order to throw suspicion off of himself and continue working for the allies from behind enemy lines. Crane can be seen wearing this hat and full Nazi uniform in the scene with two of his fellow POWs while preparing to leave the camp for the party via their underground tunnel network. Hogan's Heroes caused considerable controversy when the series first launched. Paramount Pictures unsuccessfully attempted to sue Bing Crosby Productions for copyright infringement for th

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