Ringo Starr’s 1964 snare drum from his Ludwig #2 Black Oyster Pearl Downbeat kit, also known as the Ed Sullivan kit. This snare came with the kit purchased for the Beatles visit to the United States at Manny’s Music store in Manhattan. The kit was be used for filming A Hard Days Night while Starr’s Ludwig #1 kit would be used in the studio. For the Beatles first appearance in the United States Starr did bring with a set of his own cymbals, a new Beatles drop-T logo bass drum head and his 1963 Ludwig Jazz Festival snare drum. The 1963 snare drum from his #1 Ludwig kit was Starr’s primary snare throughout his career with the Beatles and remains in his collection. This snare does not have a history with the Beatles other than being purchased with the rest of the Sullivan kit– it does have its own unique musical history with Paul McCartney. In 1969 McCartney was preparing to record his first solo album, McCartney , at his makeshift home recording studio in St John's Wood, London. McCartney, who played all of the instruments on the album, borrowed drum equipment from Starr. The resulting kit was a combination of Starr’s Ludwig #1 and #2 kit which included this snare. Recording of the album took place from December 1969 to February 1970. The kit then traveled with McCartney to his home studio in Scotland. McCartney and drummer Denny Seiwell, used this kit extensively for rehearsing of the newly formed band, Wings, debut album, Wild Life . Ringo is seen playing the kit in Mc

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