Tin sign nailed to a wood frame painted white with red lettering that reads, "Yasgur Farms Dairy/ Phone Monticello 2674. " Yasgur Farms, site of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair of 1969. Max Yagur, a 50-year old successful dairy farmer and conservative Republican, agreed to lease one of his farm fields to as a venue for this unique music festival. Yasgur supported his decision and the "kids" who attended this festival at the detriment of his own standing in his community who boycotted his milk prior to the festival and shunned and sued him following the festival. At the festival Yasgur was quoted as saying, "This is the largest group of people ever assembled in one place and I think you people have proven something to the world. That half a million people can get together and have three days of fun and music, and have nothing but fun and music. God bless you all." 23 3/4 by 36 inches Categories:

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