35mm film copy of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video. Label reads, "1:85 14 min./ Thriller/ Dolby Stereo/ 11/16/83," housed in a tin film canister, given to Walter R. Yetnikoff by Michael Jackson when he was the President and CEO of CBS records, which included Jackson's Epic label. Accompanied by a letter of authenticity from Yetnikoff. The film has been donated by Mr. Yetnikoff to Eva’s Village, a nonprofit social service agency in Paterson, New Jersey whose mission is to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, treat the addicted and provide medical care to the poor with respect for the human dignity of each individual. 100% of the proceeds for this lot will benefit Eva’s Village http://www.evasvillage.org. Canister 15 inch diameter, Film 11 inch diameter Categories: Michael Jackson

Juliens Auctions