Richard Hunt b.
Sky Form II
1969 welded steel 37¾ h x 28¾ w x 20¼ d in (96 x 73 x 51 cm)
result: $20,000
provenance: Walter and Dawn Clark Netsch, Chicago
exhibited: Living with Art , 15 September - 21 October 1971, University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA Living with Art, Two: The Collection of Walter and Dawn Clark Netsch , 10 September - 16 December 1983, Miami University Art Museum, Oxford, OH, 22 January - 25 March 1984, the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Abstract Painting and Sculpture , 25 October 1985 - 13 April 1986, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago The Flowering, African-American Artists and Friends in 1940s Chicago: A Look at the South Side Community Art Center , 15 March - 18 June 1993, State of Illinois Art Gallery, Chicago
literature: Living with Art, Two: The Collection of Walter and Dawn Clark Netsch , Miami University Art Museum, pg. 75

Wright Auctions