USA, c.
1930s oil on canvasoil on canvas 54 h x 119 w in (137 x 302 cm)
signed lower right. This very large and rare mural-size canvas relates to Scott's visit to Haiti in 1931. He explored the people and customs of the island in many of his best known works. "While Scott adhered to the precepts of the European academic tradition, he is considered one of the most outstanding African-American artists of the Harlem Renaissance. He epitomized the themes advocated by Alain Locke long before it became stylish to paint the black experience" From: Harriet Warkel, Image and Identity: The Art of William E. Scott, John W. Hardrick, and Hale A. Woodruff, essay for the exhibition catalog entitled A Shared Heritage, Art by Four African Americans,Indianapolis Art Museum, 1996
result: $21,850

Wright Auctions