ARTS AND CRAFTS BOOKS; Approximately 11, 1980-2000s; Winters, Robert "American Bungalow Style"; Cathers, David "Furniture of the American Arts and Crafts Movement"; Volpe, Tod M. "Treasures of the American Arts and Crafts Movement"; Mayers, Barbara "In the Arts and Crafts Style"; Bialecki, Matthew "The New Bungalow"; Anscombe, Isabelle "Arts and Crafts in Britain and America"; Gray, Stephen "Collected Works by Gustav Stickley"; Gray, Stephen "The MIssion Furniture of L & JG Stickley"; Cathers, David "Stickley Style"; Limbert Arts and Crafts Furniture reprinted catalogue; Congdon-Martin, Douglas "Arts and Crafts Designs for the Home"

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