SILVER AND SILVER MOUNTED JUGS, POTS AND PITCHERS; Eight pieces; pear-shaped and footed scenic rococo mocha pot by Storck & Sinsheimer, Hanau, 8 3/8"; Tapered square-shaped mocha pot with incised and embossed rocquille and scene, possibly Wolf & Kneff, Hanau, 6 3/4"; Hoof-footed urn form mocha pot with ebony handle, unidentified, 8 1/4"; Repousse milk pitcher, Hanau, 3 7/8" above handle; Coin silver cream pitcher, Joseph Shoemaker, ca. 1820; French lobed and wheel cut claret wine jug, Paris, mid-Victorian, maker mark EE, 11"; Mounted wheel cut floral wine jug in tankard form with aesthetic decorations, German 800 silver, ca. 1880, 12 1/2"; Baluster-shaped brilliant cut wine jug with romantic scenic rococo mount, Wolf & Kneel, Hanau, 1887-1914, 10"; 19th-20th c. 48.5 OT (excludes three wine jugs)

Rago Auctions