Includes six butter knives marked to side "Rogers Meriden, Conn. 16 DWT", five butter knives marked to side "Wm. Rogers & Son Warranted 12 DWT", one stainless steel butter knife by Simeon L. & George H. Rogers Company, six matching Wm. Rogers & Son forks, six matching Rogers forks marked to back "PAT. AUG. 31 20 Rogers 1202", two Wm. A. Rogers "Oneida" ladles, six matching Rogers spoons, four matching Simeon L. & George H. Rogers Company spoons, three matching Wm. Rogers & Son spoons, two matching W.R. spoons, three large matching Rogers "1202" spoons, three mismatched Oneida Community spoons, two Victor S. Co. spoons, a mixed collection of Rogers flatware (two large forks, two spreaders, and four spoons), an Oneida Community olive fork and spreader, a collection of five miniature Italian decorative flatware items (two olive forks, a spreader, a spoon, and a scoop), two small unmarked spoons, a large Carlton spoon, an International S. Co. spoon, a WB Co. spoon, a Benedict Indestruct spoon, a Gorham ladle, an Empire Silver Co. spoon, a Simeon L. & George H. Rogers Company fork, a stainless steel Sheffield England bread knife, a Puritan spreader, and a small unmarked spreader with a sterling