GORHAM SILVER COFFEE SERVICE, 1893-1915; Six hollow pieces with shaped bulbous bodies, leafy scroll ornaments and finials, ivory insulators, 1893: kettle-on-stand, 15"; coffee pot, 9 1/2"; teapot, 8 3/4"; covered sugar bowl, 6 3/4"; cream pitcher, 5 1/4"; waste bowl, 4 1/8"; reeded ogee-shaped silver tray, 1915, 26". Interlaced script monogram EGJ. 291.4 OT.; International bids and bids issuing from the State of California may be subject to laws that forbid the export and/or import of materials made from certain species. It is the sole responsibility of buyers to familiarize themselves with these laws prior to bidding and to abide by these laws. See Terms of Sale paragraph #24.

Rago Auctions