19th C. NAUTICAL PAINTINGS Three works, all framed: John Frederick Loos (Belgian c. 1861-1895) (attr.) "The Fred. E. Scam(m)ell", oil on canvas, framed, 22" x 34"; "Untitled", oil on canvas laid on board, framed, 21 1/2" x 30 3/4"; "The Joseph H. Scammell", gouache on paper mounted on board, framed, 10 1/2" x 17 1/4" (sheet). (Provenance: Each of the works depicts sailing ships owned by the Scammel family of Nova Scotia. The Scammels emigrated to the United States in the 20th C. and the works have been in the family by descent to the present owner. John Frederick Loos attribution in a 1972 appraisal of the works by Charles O. Childs, Boston, MA.

Rago Auctions