The following lots are from the workshop of Walter J. Meyer (1912-1978). Meyer was among a select group of American silversmiths contracted to produce inventory for Georg Jensen USA, Inc. during the privations of the Second World War. A well-researched and illustrated book on the subject, "The American Designs, Jensen Silver" by Nancy Schiffer and Janet Drucker, was published in 2008. (new paragraph) Since 2004 we have had the good fortune to offer selections from the estate of Walter Meyer. The following lots represent some of the last remaining pieces of that collection. WALTER MEYER"S WORKSHOP LEAF-AND-WHIRLPOOL SILVER Four pieces designed by LaPaglia for Georg Jensen USA, Inc.: 20" necklace with Meyer cartouche; matching 7" bracelet and earrings, unmarked. 163.4 gs. GW. (Depicted on pg. 43, Jensen, NY, catalog, 1946.)

Rago Auctions