ART POTTERY BOOKS Twenty-eight books: "Bennington Pottery And Porcelain; " "Victorian Pottery;" "Encyclopedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks;" "The Newark Museum Collection Of American Art Pottery;" "The Kovels" Collector"s Guide To American Art Pottery;" "Art Pottery of the United States;" "American Art Pottery;" "The Book of Rookwood Pottery;" "American Porcelain: 1770 - 1920;" "Overbeck;" "Marks of American Potters;" "Flow Blue China: An Aid to Identification;" "Flow Blue Mulberry Ware;" "Pocket Book of German Ceramic Marks;" "Majolica and Fayence;" "Biscuit Jars Past and Present;" "Historical China Cup Plates;" "Newcomb Pottery;" "Practical Crafts Series: Pottery;" "Dictionary of Marks: Pottery and Porcelain;" (2)"Rookwood: Its Golden Era of Art Pottery 1880 - 1929;" "2,292 Pieces of Early Rookwood Pottery;" "University of North Dakota Pottery: The Cable Years;" "Zanesville Decorative Tiles;" "Zanesville Art Pottery;" "Roseville Art Pottery in Color;" "Weller Art Pottery in Color."

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