XXe SIECLE. Chroniques du Jour; First series of five magazines complete; Nos. 1-5/6; No. 1, Mars 1938 has an original color lithograph by Pascin ("Le Chaperon Rouge"), with articles by Kandinsky, Le Corbusier, de Chirico, etc.; No. 2, Mai 1938 has an original color lithograph by Kurt Seligmann and contributions by Miro, Man Ray, and Zadkine; No. 3, Juillet 1938 has 6 original woodcuts in color and black-and-white by Kandinsky, including 2 color woodcuts made for "Klange"; one color woodcut for Der Blaue Reiter (Special Edition); No. 4, Christmas 1938. With 8 original engravings by Matisse, Arp, de Chirico, Miro, Laurens, Helion, Zadkine and Magnelli. With 2 coloured lithographs by Duchamp and Bill; No. 5/6, 1939. With original lithograph by Max Ernst, original engraving by W. Power, Kandinsky wood-engraving in 2 colors, and a Gino Severini "Futurist" engraving; Provenance: Private Collection

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