Vernon, Dai. Group of Dai Vernon Ephemera, Some Signed. Including a 1975 Autograph Letter Signed (ALS) from Vernon on personal stationery together with the hand-addressed envelope, in which Vernon discusses his early interest in magic books and offers advice by way of quotation from Robert-Houdin (“dexterity, dexterity, dexterity”) and Thurston (“practice, practice, practice”) – for his own line, Vernon advises “do not bother with apparatus.” Also with a 1984 Vernon “Magicruise” token, and a dollar bill which Vernon cut for one cruiser with a pattern that allows one to “stretch” it from either end (letter of explanation included); an Inscribed and Signed studio portrait (8 x 10”); and a 1976 Dai Vernon “Magic Castle Prestidigitator” gold token (Kuethe MT 337). All very good.

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