Goldston, Will. Group of Miscellaneous Ephemera, Some Signed. 1910s – 30s. Approximately 20 pieces, including a Typed Letter Signed, “Will G.,” and initialed after the postscript, to Clyde Powers (Oct. 30, 1915); two Midland Bank checks signed by Goldston; a document (originally intended for inclusion in a copy of Great Magicians’ Tricks) signed and sealed by nine magicians including Horace Goldin, Harry Price, Goldston, Arthur Sherwood, and others); two real photo postcards (RPPC) of Goldston, one inscribed and signed (August, 1925); approximately ten pictorial prospectuses for Goldston’s books; two book lists; and two Magicians’ Club programs and one blank club subscription form. Last, a Typed Letter Signed, “Ge. (George) Facer,” Business Manager of the Maskelynes, to Goldston (Apr. 1, 1921). Condition generally very good.

Potter & Potter