[Aldines] Aldine’s Boy’s Own Magic & Trick Books. London: Aldine Publishing, 1894 - 95. Complete set in eight volumes, each describing a separate subject, all related to magic tricks, sleight of hand, allied entertainments and experiments. Each volume in colored pictorial wrappers, well illustrated. 8vo. Wraps chipped and worn as expected, some foxed. In a drop-spine box. Scarce. One of perhaps two complete files known of this elusive series, the “Aldines” were the subject of Burton S. Sperber’s “special issue” of his periodical A Real Miracle (1994), a copy of which is included with this lot. Sperber’s publication includes a short bibliographic history of the series. Aldine’s business included the publication of dime novels and serialized classics such as Robin Hood.

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