Hardeen. Important archive of 64 letters from Theo Hardeen to Sidney Radner. Spanning 1936 – 1945, and covering a wide range of topics, most importantly the various props, escape devices, handcuffs, locks, and Houdiniana Radner purchased from Hardeen. Hardeen explains the working of various articles, and also describes many of the escape devices and handcuffs sold to Radner over the course of their relationship. These included many of Houdini’s most famous escapes: The Water Torture Cell (in the correspondence, Hardeen refers to it repeatedly as the “U.S.D.” – short for “Upside Down,” as both he and Houdini called it), and the Mail Bag, as well as a handcuff cabinet, the Iron Man [Iron Maiden escape], and various pieces of Houdini memorabilia and photos, leg irons, keys, lockpicks, handcuffs. In one letter, Hardeen offers to sell Robert-Houdin’s trapeze automaton, Antonio Diavolo (referred to incorrectly as “Pyshio”). Many of Hardeen’s notes are tantalizing: “…I am sending you a three sheet litho of the Chinese Water Torture Cell…” In one letter, Hardeen alludes to the fact that the “trap and irons” for Houdini’s famous illusion of Walking Through a Brick Wall will probably have to be thrown away, as that portion of the apparatus is simply too big and bulky to ship. In another he writes, “I saw Houdini’s Milk Can today and it is a beaut.” Several letters specifically list items Hardeen is selling to Radner, with asking prices (two punishment suits and two straitjackets for $2

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