[S. S. Adams] More than sixty pieces of magic, novelties, and pocket tricks. Asbury Park, mostly 1940s – 50s, nearly all in manufacturer’s original boxes with instruction slips. Including Hindu Cones and Hindu Beads; Egg Bag; Wiz Key; Production Tube; Chinese Linking Rings; Vanishing Half-Dollar (early glass-goblet version); Mysterious Imp Bottle; Handkerchief Cassette; Cigarette Thru Handkerchief; Drum Head Tube; Multiplying Billiard Balls; Lit Match from Pocket; Cups and Balls; Rice Bowls; Glass Suspension; Dribble Glass; Number Detector; eight snake cans in various canisters (Peanut Brittle or Mixed Nuts); Coin Box and Magic Coin Block; Vase of Allah; Window Smashers; Striptease Paddle; several different card tricks; and many others. Condition generally very good. Photo only shows small portion of entire lot.

Potter & Potter