[Coins, Brass & Money Magic] Over 125 coin tricks, gimmicked coins, and other apparatus from Johnson Products and other manufacturers. At least 75 examples of Johnson Products’ precision-made coin tricks, including The Magibank; The Mandarin Mystery Coin; The Boston Box; Johnson Coin Wand; Quarterama (early example); The Hopping Half (several versions); Stack of Halves/Stack of Quarters (several versions); Visual Coin Penetration ; Quarter Stack (riveted); China Box; Coin Off Ribbon; Coin Casket (several versions); Interlude I and Interlude II; New Expanded Shell (various sizes and coins); Ellis Ring; Dye Tube (several versions); Famous Two Copper and Silver Trick; New Magnetic Silver & Copper; The Half or Quarter from Chinatown; Silver Extraction; Supreme Card Tube; Cigarette Thru Quarter or Half; O-Korto Box Set; The Ball & Tube; The Hong Kong Coin; Nickelodeon; Silver/Copper/Brass Transposition; Jo-Pro Copper And Silver Thru Table and Jo-Pro Coin Box; Spinning Nickels; Nest-O-Halves; Kennedy Half to Lincoln Cent; The Locking Dollar Thirty-Five; Magna Cap; Marcelo Contento’s Lightning Bolt; The Mint; Half & 20 Centavo; Quarter Attraction; Ultimate Expanded Shell; Ultimate Silver & Copper Routine. Some duplication; the aforementioned all Bagged with Instructions. Others manufacturers and products include Fred Lowe’s Coin Box, Chinese Demon, and Hong Kong Coin; Eddie Gibson’s Blasted Deluxe; Cap and Pence (Mike Rogers); a sleeve of more than twenty finely made gimmicked coins

Potter & Potter