Dracula. Universal, R-1947. Insert (35 ½ x 14”). A previously unknown Universal re-release insert printed in black and white for this classic horror film starring Bela Lugosi. Unrestored, presented as found in a contemporary gray wooden lobby display frame (not pictured). The piece is neither pasted down nor linen backed. Corner identification number 47-140, beside which appears the distributor’s blind-stamp, reading in part, “Property of N.S.S. Corp./ May Be Distributed Only By Poster Companies.” This rarity is remarkably well-preserved, in bright unfolded condition with full margins, insignificant pinholes and chips at corners, and toning at edges. A-. The film, originally released in 1931, was re-released by Universal in 1938 and again in 1947. Of all of the posters for this film, those that were printed to accompany re-releases are among the scarcest.

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