Valadon, Paul. Kellar’s Wonders. Special Engagement of Paul Valadon. Cincinnati, Strobridge Litho., ca. 1905. Half-sheet (20 x 30 ¼”) color lithographed bust portrait of the magician and one-time successor to Harry Kellar. Minor expert over-painting; A-. Linen backed. Scarce. German-born Valadon made his reputation as a fine sleight-of-hand performer in England, where he worked regularly at Egyptian Hall under the watchful eye of J.N. Maskelyne. Eventually, on the promise of becoming Kellar’s successor, he left Maskelyne and toured with Kellar – bringing with him the secret to Maskelyne’s famous levitation. In the end, however, it was Howard Thurston who succeeded Kellar, not Valadon.

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